Open Porter Day
On Saturday, July 16, the plants and gates of the members of the Alpokalja - Fertő Landscape Quality Network will be open to everyone. The all-day program will be enriched by cycling and horse-drawn carriage tours.
"Walk around ... Admire it ... Taste it ..." - with this slogan the Day of Open Gates in the Alps-Fertő Landscape invites and awaits all those who are interested. The program will be held on Saturday, July 16th. During the day, those interested can get an insight into the factories and manufactories of branded, handicraft producers in the settlements of the region, either individually or on guided tours. In most places, visitors can not only see, but also taste quality products.
On the occasion of the Open Gates Day, we organize bicycle and equestrian Porta Tours, during which the participants of the tour can tour each open gate locations and programs accompanied by tour guides.
More information on the Open Ports website.