Hike Cyclist E-bike

By way of the Brennberg coal

Sopron, Tourinform Iroda – Ágfalva -– Fehér úti tó – Brennbergbánya – Muck (Erdő Háza) – Trianoni Emlékmű – Boszorkány Tanösvény – Károly magaslati Ökoturisztikai Látogatóközpont az Erdei Élményparkkal – Sopron Belváros

Total distance: 33.7 km

Elevation: 474 m, descent: 474 m

Difficulty: MEDIUM

Starting from the city center, the central Mining Museum in Templom Street reveals the history of mining in Hungary. From Deák tér we reach Ágfalvi út on the designated cycle path, next to which the EV13 (Iron Curtain) cycle path leads to Ágfalva, from where the coal transported from Brennberg by mining railway was transported. From Ágfalva, passing the Arbesz meadow nature reserve, we reach the Fehér út lake. The lignite was transported to Ágfalva on a high embankment bordering the lake. The recommended mining exhibition is the Görbehalom Mining Museum, which can be reached by a short detour. Along the valley of the Rák stream, we reach the lookout point of Magas-rental in the highest point of the Sopron Mountains in Hungary. We continue our journey on the border strip, touching the Ilona mine, then from Récényi út there is a steep, sloping road to Sopron, on the way with ecotourism visitor centers, archeological trails and lookouts.


Sopron - Central Mining Museum, Erdő Háza Visitor Center and Game Park, Várhely Lookout and Archaeological Study Trail, Károly Uplands Ecotourism Visitor Center and Károly Lookout Tower, Ágfalva - Lutheran Church, Ágfalva Battles Thematic Walk Brennbergbánya - Pub church, High-rise lookout tower, Görbehalom - Mining Museum


A túra során megismerhető látnivalókat, amelyek nemcsak szemet gyönyörködtetőek hanem íz- és illat élményekkel várnak!

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