Cyclist E-bike

Kékfrankos round trip

Soproni Tourinform Iroda – Fertőrákos – Balf – Kópháza – Harka – Sopron

Total distance: 33.2 km, elevation: 275 m, descent: 275 m, difficulty: MEDIUM

Although Central Burgenland is called the “blue franc country” (Blaufränkischland), Sopron is the “capital of the blue franc”. The round trip from the city center leads through the typical wine-producing part of Sopron, the poncichter district, which got its name from the German-speaking vineyards who also grew beans in addition to the capitals (Bohnenzüchter). We pass the second largest Gothic church in Hungary, the St. Michael's Church, then we touch the riverbed of Tómalom and we reach Fertőrákos, where you can taste the wines of Fertőrákos in the Jandl Cellar. From Fertőrákos, the road continues between the vineyards to Balf, also famous for its wines. If you want to admire the view with a glass of wine in your hand, you can do so on the terrace of the Bright Cellar. Touching Balf, we reach Kópháza via Kisbalfon, and then the vineyards of Harkai Hill and the two characteristic churches of Harka, the medieval church of St. Peter and St. Paul and the Lutheran church, appear. If you get hungry, you can gather strength for the return trip on the Harkai Fröccsterasz, which will take you back to Sopron on the EV 13 international cycle path.


The Két-Mór house in Sopron, St. Michael's Church, Tómalom Bath, Steigler Cellar, the Jandl Cellar in Fertőrákos, the Quarry and Cave Theater, the Pellengér, the Balfi Tavern and Wineries, the Zsolnay Drinking Fountain, the Gradistye Croatian Inter Harkán has an interactive Lutheran exhibition and church, as well as the Harkai Fröccsterasz, the Chair of God.


A túra során megismerhető látnivalókat, amelyek nemcsak szemet gyönyörködtetőek hanem íz- és illat élményekkel várnak!

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