Cyclist E-bike

Pan European Picnic Circle

Sopron – Tómalom – Fertőrákos – Mörbisch – Rust – St.Margarethen – Fertőrákos (Páneurópai Piknik Emlékhely) – Sopronkőhida – Sopron – Tómalom

Total distance: 29.7 km

Elevation: 201m, descent: 201m

Difficulty: MEDIUM

The Kecske Hill Lookout Tower is a short walk from the Nagytómal Bath. Through the Szárhalmi forest, we reach Fertőrákos following the Rák stream, where the medieval city wall, the medieval parsonage and the episcopal palace are also located. Its most prominent attraction is the Fertőrákos Quarry and Cave Theater, which is a thematic exhibition, a nature study trail and a theater space at the same time. Moving towards Fertőmeggyes (Mörbisch), the Roman sanctuary Mithras, unique in Hungary, is located on the border. The main tourist attraction of Fertőmeggyes is the water stage built on the lake water since 1957. Our next stop is the “city of storks”, Rust. The wine grown here has been on the table for connoisseurs since the Middle Ages, even on the Titanic luxury steamer, which sank in 1912. A prominent attraction in the historic city center is the medieval Fischerkirche. We then arrive in St. Margarethen, touching on the two most important leisure and cultural attractions in the region, Lake Fertő Fairy Tale Park (Familypark) and the Szentmargitbánya Quarry. From Szentmargitbánya, the B14 connecting cycle path leads again to the Hungarian border. Crossing the border, the Pan-European Picnic Memorial Park and Visitor Center presents an event that will play a crucial role in the fall of the Iron Curtain, the Pan-European Picnic. In 2015, the venue won the title of European Heritage for the first time in Hungary.


Goat Mountain Lookout, Fertőrákos - Quarry and Cave Theater, Mithras Shrine, Mörbisch - Water Stage and Beach, Downtown Rust, Fairytale Park and Quarry Lake in St. Margarethen.


A túra során megismerhető látnivalókat, amelyek nemcsak szemet gyönyörködtetőek hanem íz- és illat élményekkel várnak!

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