Lake Neusiedl small circle
Fertőrákos – Mörbisch (kikötő) – Illmitz (kikötő) – Apetlon – Fertőújlak – Sarród – Fertőd – Fertőszéplak – Hegykő – Fertőhomok – Hidegség – Fertőboz – Balf – Fertőrákos
Small distance: 64.2 km
Elevation: 197 m, lowering: 197 m
Difficulty: MEDIUM
The tour of the Hungarian section of Fertő connects all the settlements on the shores of Lake Fertő in Hungary. Part of the circle passes through the Austrian section, where we can sail from Mörbisch (Fertőmeggyes), famous for its wines, to Illmitz (Illmic). Ideal for a day of cycling adventure for groups of friends, it is also recommended for families. The road is mostly on a separated bike path or on a low-traffic asphalt road.
Major attractions in the small circle:
Fertőrákos - Mithras Shrine, Mörbisch - Water Stage, Apetlon - Lange Lacke, Illmitz - Neusiedlersee-Seewinkel National Park Information Center, Sarród - Lászlómajor Demonstration Major and Kócsagvár, Fertőd - SA Thermal, Coldness - St. Andrew's Church, Fertőboz - Gloriette, Balf - St. Wolf's Fortress Church
A túra során megismerhető látnivalókat, amelyek nemcsak szemet gyönyörködtetőek hanem íz- és illat élményekkel várnak!