
Cyclamen educational trail

Sopron Hotel Lővér – Récényi úti kőfejtő – Deák kút – Károly-magaslat – Hét bükkfa – Hármas-forrás – Várhely kilátó vagy Szalamandra-tó – Sopronbánfalva

Total distance: 9 km

Hungary's first educational trail, its winding road, guides the visitor to the most beautiful parts of the Sopron Park Forest through the cyclamen fields that bloom in the autumn and captivate the soul. With the help of the 12 large information boards, the interested hiker can get acquainted with the characteristic soil-forming rocks, forest stands, forest mushrooms, plants and animals of the mountains, which reflect the characteristics of the landscape. In addition to getting to know the living world, the hiker can also acquire historical and cultural knowledge.

The trail can be walked well in all seasons, of course the right clothes and hiking boots may be needed. It is also a pleasant program for families if the children are used to several hours of forest hikes. It is possible to walk at a very comfortable pace in about 4 hours, but there are also resting places and resources on the study trail, where hikers can relax.

The starting point of the study trail is at the Lővér Hotel, which can be reached by buses 1 and 2 from the city center.

You can park your car at the starting point, at the sanatorium or around Hotel Lövér.

Touching the Deák fountain, the route goes in the direction of the Károly-elevation car park. Perhaps the most beautiful section of the Seven Beeches begins, when walking along the resin-scented pine trees on the Alpine Road, the hiker can feel almost in the Alps. Refreshed in the cool corner of the Triple Spring, the road soon leads to an early Iron Age mass grave cemetery. The Castle Lookout Tower is located in the Early Iron Age Celtic Castle of Hungary, surrounded by the highest ramparts. This is the highest point of the route, from here the road descends to Sopronbánfalva.

Useful information:

Both on the tourist maps and in the forest, the cyclamen sign gives directions. Red C on tourist map and stylized cyclamen in the field.

The route is open all year round.

Cyclamen blooms from July to late September.

Várhely can also be an independent program point, here you can find a multi-station archeological study trail.

The tour is not a round trip! At the end point, in Bánfalva, there is a bus service to get back to Sopron, but along a populated settlement it is approx. You can walk back in 1 hour.

The forest cyclamen: The eponymous forest cyclamen (Cyclamen purpurascens) is often found along the study trail. The leaves of this tuberous plant belonging to the family of primroses are kidney-shaped, marbled, reddish-backed. The mountainous species of Central Europe occur most in the western part of Hungary. Its lovely flower, striking color and pleasant aroma are an indispensable component of the late summer atmosphere of the mountain forest.

The flower native to Hungary is also strictly protected in Hungary, so its collection is prohibited!


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