Sziki Őszirózsa Tanösvény
Sarród - Fertőújlak
Total distance: 3.4 km
Total ascent: 0 m
Slope: -4 m Height max .: 116 m, min .: 111 m
It is an extremely easy, short but meaningful route, which is especially recommended for families with small children, either by bike or on foot.
The educational trail leading to the saline steppe area, 7 km north of Sarród, is a nearly 4 km long hiking and cycling trail. Its starting point is on the Sarród - Fertőújlak route, at the sluice of the Hansági main canal. Visitors can get acquainted with the community of saline steppes and lakes, as well as with the role of old Hungarian domestic animals in the conservation and utilization of protected areas. The route guides the hiker through the saline pastures grazed by Hungarian gray cattle, racka sheep and domestic buffalo, touching the Hanság main canal and the shallow saline lakes.
The tour also has two starting points, one starting from the sluice and one from the Csapody István Nature School and Visitor Center, the download route shows the latter. At both starting points, a 1-1, introductory board to the study trail welcomes visitors.
The route can be visited without a ticket. | Orientation and information on the study trail are provided by signs. | There are several bird-watching towers along the route.
A túra során megismerhető látnivalókat, amelyek nemcsak szemet gyönyörködtetőek hanem íz- és illat élményekkel várnak!